Sunday, March 15, 2009

My City - Part 2 (A)

Spires that once stood proudly, protruding from the the city
landscape, like beacons of hope in a time when we struggled to
negotiate our identities, are now dwarfed by our new beacons of
prosperity. But as I look up, and these buildings shout "FOR LEASE",
I do not quite identify.

My city - Part 1 (A)

As I look over our great city, I look upon a field of glassy gray,
like an aged piece of parchment, holding within it a mixed history of
ourselves. A history told through the stories of those who built her,
like cells in an organism, waiting to speak... to me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Why we need more pencils. (A)

Something really interesting happened the other day. It was one of
those endearing moments that years later you struggle to recall, but
are helped along with the use of a well-written account. I was away
from my laptop, no pencil in sight. Now I can't remember it at all.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are you so independent? (A)

Do you think you can survive out there by yourself? Do you think you can make it on your own? If we are so intent on being independent, then why do we reach out to practical strangers, just to let them know what we're having for dinner tonight on facebook?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts on Today (A)

The time has come for each of us to stand up and be counted, be
counted amongst those who want to make change, permanent change,
uniting change. The time has come for us to realize that humanity is
not made great by a precious few, but by an empowered many.